Motion Designer

To the Nation


— As long as a country is at war, its citizens will put up with personal deprivation. An extract from Fraktrure by Margaret Noble


To the Nation; What would Orwell say in 2022?

Project Overview:
I have always been captivated by dystopian stories. There's just something about them that gets me hooked. Even though they can hit a little too close to home, they always make me think deeply. Lately, with all the craziness going on in politics, I couldn't help but think of George Orwell's 1984. The whole doublethink, language manipulation, and invisible enemies thing feels scarily real these days. So, I thought it'd be cool to put my own spin on things and turn this dark reality into something fun.

Ideation & Execution
The idea for this project came to me while I was reading a cool book called Why Fonts Matter. I wanted to focus on three slogans from 1984's Ministry of Truth and create visual stories using typography. But, I quickly realized that the usual workflow of designing before animating wouldn't work for me. I wanted the text to look like it was scratched onto film reels, so I had to design and animate simultaneously. It was a time-consuming process with lots of trial and error, but the end result was totally worth it. I even snuck in some subliminal messages - see if you can spot them!

Design and Animated by Sachie Kikuchi